Downloaded a new WordPress app that easily lets me post to my website from my mobile device or pad, from Automattic Inc.
So this is me testing this function and app from my iPhone.
I have to give a shout-out to Donncha @ In Photos dot Org and the rest of the team @ Automattic Inc for making awesome apps, that is super steady and easily integrated with WordPress!
This WP for IOS app that I’m using now is an app, and I do recommend both this app and other apps from them. They also have this app and other apps, for Android, so check out their site.

Head over to their page and check out their amazing app work. and if you like Journaling (Dagbok skriving) then you really, really, reeeeeeally need to start using their ONE DAY journaling app. I have been using it for several weeks now, and this app has revolutionised my journaling.