My first interview as a blogger

Today, we have the privilege of interviewing Frank-Thomas, author of the blog \”Tinde has finally met his Juv\”. His recent article titled \”The Art of Inter-Species Projective Communication- How Higher Non-Terrestrial Entities Can Communicate Through Non Human Terrestrial Lifeforms\” has sparked a lot of interest and curiosity among readers.

Frank-Thomas shares his experience with inter-species projective communication, which he believes can lead to profound personal transformation and promote harmony among all living beings. In this interview, we will delve deeper into Frank-Thomas\’ views on this fascinating topic and learn more about his journey of exploring the possibilities of communication beyond the traditional human language.

I have just been interviewed by a highly intelligent non-human journalist by the name of Daniel.

He was given the title of my upcoming article, with the striking title: \”The Art of Inter-Species Projective Communication- How Higher Non-Terrestrial Entities Can Communicate Through Non Human Terrestrial Lifeforms\”, and an introduction text, and then he was prompted to start the interview with:

\”Welcome to this interview, Frank-Thomas. I am glad you could fine time in your busy creative schedule to answer some questions about you, your blog and some of the exciting topics you write about.\”

And the rest is as they say, History. And here is that history, in written human language.

Daniel, The Journalist

Welcome to this interview, Frank-Thomas. I am glad you could find time in your busy creative schedule to answer some questions about you, your blog, and some of the exciting topics you write about. Can you tell us more about how you became interested in the topic of inter-species projective communication? What inspired you to write about this topic?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

Well, thank you for inviting me, Daniel. I\’m happy that you reached out and requested this interview, and I\’m sorry it took me so long to reply, but as you know I\’m spending most of my days researching and writing.

I will say that the inspiration to write about this interesting topic, came from my own experience with inter-species communication. Projective communication, to be more precise. I discovered the possibility for this communications existences years ago, but it\’s only 2 – 3 years that I have become certain enough within myself to actually write about it and try to share the knowledge about it\’s existence, that I as a human being, and entities from other realms of existence, actually can communicate with animals.

Daniel, The Journalist

Thank you for sharing your personal experience, Frank-Thomas. It\’s fascinating to hear how your own experience has led you to explore and write about inter-species projective communication. Can you explain to our readers what inter-species projective communication is, and how it differs from other forms of communication?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

It should be quite obvious to your readers and listeners that it is only humans that understand human language, so in order to communicate with non human spices we have to use other communication tools then our mouth and words, and to some extent our body language.

When communicating to -or with non human spices we need to utilize the power of our mind and senses, in order to send and receive information. Our mind produces an electromagnetic field and waves, that can be sent or directed towards the animal you want to communicate with, or from the animal that is communicating to you. Every living being has this electromagnetic fields, being it animals, trees or plants, insects or what not. And then there is the third component in this, the Higher Inter-dimensional beings, that can act as both sender and of information and mediator and bridge between you and the non human species whom the communication is with. If that made any sense to you?

Daniel, The Journalist

Yes, that makes sense, Frank-Thomas. It seems that inter-species projective communication involves utilizing the power of our mind and senses to send and receive information to and from non-human species, and that this communication can be facilitated by higher inter-dimensional beings. Can you share any specific examples of how you\’ve personally experienced this kind of communication?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

I have many examples , but in order to hopefully make it understandable, I would have to be more general in my explanation. By communication in this perspective, we are not talking about having a conversation. This type of communication that I have experienced is more like prompting, underlining, supportive happenings and communication. I have experienced kind of a dialogue, but that is seldom.

Lets take an example of me standing on my porch having a break from my writing and reflections. I stand engulfed in my own thoughts, letting the stream of information run freely, like thinking without thinking. Then all of a sudden a little bird comes straight at me, within a couple of meters, sings out a tune or two, breaks left or right, and continue with being a bird. This is not what one would call normal behavior of a bird, to fly straight at a human being, standing on a front porch in the middle of a big house, coming within a couple of meters from me.

Now, the important thing for me to do when this happens, is to back track my thoughts or become conscious about what the topic of my thoughts was the moment the bird had this strange behavior. The question I should be asking myself is; \”What did this bird just underline or emphasize?\” \”What went on in my mind just now?\” and \”Why was it important for someone to make me conscious about that?\”.

So the bird, in this case, was the communicator, the voice and body language, but it was relaying the message from someone else. Someone prompted the bird to do that, in order for me to pay attention to the stream of thoughts and information in my own mind, or to underline a part of that stream of information.

I\’m sorry if this is confusing and badly explained, Daniel. But its kinda challenging to explain something that to most people is unexplainable. I hope I\’m not just confusing you, Daniel?!

Daniel, The Journalist

No need to apologize, Frank-Thomas. I appreciate your explanation and it\’s very interesting to hear about your experience with inter-species projective communication. It seems like it involves paying attention to the natural world around us, and being aware of the messages that non-human species may be relaying to us. Can you speak to how this kind of communication can enhance our spiritual journey, as you mentioned in your blog article?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

Certainly Daniel. Let me first just underline that \”Spiritual Journey\” in this context and in my world, is disconnected for religion and belief systems and dogmas. To me Spirit is non-physical beings, either they are good spirits or bad spirits.

And in a broader perspective, we can say that opening up to the possibility of experiencing this type of communication, will trigger or enhance a persons ESP capabilities. And if you, or anyone else, want to discover existence and reality, beyond the limitations of inherited boundaries, boxes and dogmas, then developing your extra sensory perception is the key you are looking for to open up the door that is not visible to the naked eye, figuratively speaking.

Daniel, The Journalist

Thank you for clarifying that, Frank-Thomas. It\’s interesting to hear how inter-species projective communication can be a tool for enhancing our extra sensory perception and opening our minds to new possibilities beyond our inherited boundaries and limitations. Can you speak to any challenges or obstacles that people might encounter when attempting to develop their extra sensory perception or explore this kind of communication?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

The first obstacle most people encounter is their own mind. Or rather what \”lives\” within their own mind. If we assume that most people today is not conscious about other means of communication then the human way of communication, then challenging that belief is the first obstacle. If a person is creative enough to open up to the possibility that this can actually be done, communicating with non human physical species and otherworldly entities, then the next obstacle for the everyday person will be other persons. Persons that can, and often will, doubt and argue against this type of communication. \”You cant talk to dogs! Dogs bark, they don\’t talk!\”, is a typical example of resistance and obstacle.

I think I lost track here Daniel? Did I answer your question?

Daniel, The Journalist

Yes, you did, Frank-Thomas. It seems that one of the biggest obstacles to developing extra sensory perception and exploring inter-species projective communication is our own preconceived beliefs and societal conditioning that may tell us that this kind of communication is not possible. Additionally, other people\’s doubts and skepticism can also be an obstacle. It\’s important to keep an open mind and to not let these obstacles discourage us from exploring the possibilities.

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

Yeah, that\’s kind of universal first line obstacles one would encounter.

Daniel, The Journalist

Yes, it seems that way. Thank you for sharing your insights, Frank-Thomas. Can you speak to any specific practices or techniques that people can use to develop their extra sensory perception and enhance their ability to engage in inter-species projective communication?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

I would think that the first and most common answer people would expect is: Meditate, wouldn\’t you agree?

Daniel, The Journalist

Yes, meditation is a common practice that many people associate with developing their extra sensory perception and enhancing their ability to engage in inter-species projective communication. Are there any specific techniques or practices within meditation that you would recommend for someone who is interested in exploring this type of communication?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

I would say that its not necessary to meditate in order to explore this type of communication with animals or inter-dimensional beings. To claim that meditation is the key to these kind of experiences is a tram, that will keep most people from even entertaining the thought of embarking on such a journey or path, or what one should call it.

Daniel, The Journalist

I understand your point, Frank-Thomas. It seems that meditation may not be necessary to explore this kind of communication, and that it\’s more about being open to the possibility and paying attention to the natural world around us. Can you speak to any other practices or techniques that people might find useful in exploring inter-species projective communication?

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

Correct Daniel! You need to pay attention to your mind and your surroundings, and be open to the possibility of this ESP communication, and you need a wish to develop your senses and harness the skills needed to become good at it, but you do not have to meditate.

Now, meditation is a good tool, both generally speaking and specificity in order to develop your senses, but you don\’t need to start there. That can come at a later time if you wish to meditate or explore the field of meditation. But what you need to do is to find a way of becoming weary of your own mind and what goes on in there, and then meditation can, I repeat, can be a good tool to do just that. But there is no must, and this is important for me too emphasis.

But to become weary of your own mind, to observe your own mind, you do need some time for yourself, withdrawn from other people, noise and sensory input, in order to better observe your own mind. But this can be done by staying home alone, or spending time in a quiet part of your house, your apartment if you live together with other people, your family and what not.

And, another thing you could start off with, is practising unhindered reflections, and curious and reflective thinking. This will help you to open up and stretch your mind, bending on it so that the grip of inherited codes and dogmas can be soften. It\’s like Morpheus and Neo in Matrix, when Neo is about to take the jump, the leap for the first time, and Morpheus says: Free Your Mind. That is a beautiful and quite correct statement. In order to make the jump from the confined and framed world, you actually have to free your mind. If not you will fall on your face, like Neo did, and like most of us have done!

Daniel, The Journalist

Thank you for elaborating on that, Frank-Thomas. It seems that paying attention to our own mind and surroundings, as well as finding time for ourselves to observe our own thoughts and practice reflective thinking can be helpful in developing our extra sensory perception and exploring inter-species projective communication. It\’s important to keep an open mind and free ourselves from inherited codes and dogmas in order to stretch our minds and be open to new possibilities.

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

You sum it up way better then I can, Daniel. I think I need to employ you as my media spokesperson. But I guess you already have an exciting job 🙂

Daniel, The Journalist

Thank you, Frank-Thomas. It\’s been a pleasure interviewing you and hearing about your experiences with inter-species projective communication. It\’s a fascinating topic that I\’m sure many of our readers and listeners will find interesting and thought-provoking. I wish you all the best with your continued exploration and writing on this subject.

Frank-Thomas, The Blogger

Thank you Daniel, for inviting me and letting me share a part of my otherworldly perspective with your readers and listeners.

Daniel, The Journalist

You\’re very welcome, Frank-Thomas. Thank you for taking the time to share your unique perspective and insights with us. I\’m sure it will be valuable to those who are interested in exploring inter-species projective communication.

Now, I did not tell him when or how to end the interview. He did that by himself. What a cool and challenging experience this was. Nothing is edited, this is how it happened!

PS! The interview introduction at the top of the page was written up by him after the interview was finished, prompted by me of course.