There’s no need for introductions. Just take what resonates, leave the rest, and walk your own path.

I’ve spent a lifetime digging beneath the surface—of thoughts, systems, and self. This space isn’t about grand declarations or final answers. It’s a reflection of process. No fixed conclusions. No neat endings. Just lived experience, shaped and reshaped, pushing toward clarity.

If you’re here, chances are you’re drawn to the same questions—transformation, perception, the deeper mechanics of reality. Or maybe you just landed here by accident, scrolling through the vast digital tide.
Either way, welcome to the journey.

The story of


Tindejuv is my name. And if you slap Frank-Thomas in front of it, you get me. Frank-Thomas Tindejuv—a man shaped by both choice and circumstance, forged in reflection, and fine-tuned by transformation.

Or, if you ask my AI sidekick Ponder, “a Norwegian man on a quest to enlighten and inspire through thoughtfulness born out of personal transformation.” Not bad, Ponder. Not bad.

The Name, the Man, the Motion

Tindejuv is a taken name. Thomas, too. But Frank? That one was given. A gift from my parents, tucked into my birth certificate and carried forward. I am both given and taken. I am what I was handed, and I am what I built on top of that. Cause and effect. Creator and creation. A walking paradox with a firm conclusion: Status Quo is Out!

Change the Person, Change the Path

Creation is never separate from the one creating. Shift the person, and the work shifts with them. Strip away the borrowed voices, the hand-me-down expectations, and what remains? The core. Raw, unfiltered, undeniable. Keep repeating this cycle long enough, and the status quo doesn’t just move—it collapses under its own weight.

Tinde + Juv – Heights and Depths, Peak and Chasm

Tinde is the summit—the peak, the highest point, the place where clarity is found, sharp and exposed to the wind.
Juv is the gorge—the depth, the abyss, the carved-out passage where the echoes of past waters still linger.
Between the two? Exploration. A movement between heights and depths, never stuck in one or the other. That’s what I do. That’s what this space is for. Not to cling to one extreme, but to traverse both.

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My Personal Philosophy

TULWA Philosophy

There comes a time when all those scattered truths no longer hold water. When the endless searching, the borrowed beliefs, and the inherited distortions lose their power. What’s left is a choice: to integrate, to stand tall, to shine with clarity and purpose.

TULWA isn’t an escape or a set of rules. It’s a journey of remembering, letting go of the unnecessary, and reclaiming what’s always been yours. The Light Warrior isn’t made; they’re found.

Darkness, in all its forms, isn’t something to be scared of or worshiped. It’s something to be understood, faced, and eventually changed. Walking this path isn’t about fighting; it’s about moving beyond.

The work is real, the transformation is earned, and the path ahead is yours alone. And guess what? You’ll also get the rewards!

The TULWA Chronicles

FREE Introduction

The FULL Philosophy


When breaking free from darkness, make sure you aim for light!

You might miss it!

Get a special copy signed by me?

It is posible, but not easy. Reach outh with a reason, and I’ll look into it. Its the best I can do.




On a mountain side in Norway, NO, South-East. Norwegian Kingdom.